Why adopt a shelter pet?

Animals arrive at Midcoast Humane with a variety
of unfortunate backstories. The one thing they 
have in common is they are eager to be a loving 
addition to your home. 

Save a Life.

Your donation provides lifesaving
medicine, surgeries, food and
compassionate shelter to 3,500
animals every year. Thank you!

Humane Heroes

Become a Humane Hero with a monthly donation that
provides reliable resources to animals in need.

NEW Online Store

We’re thrilled to offer a range of products
for pets and the people who love them.

News and Events

Low-Cost Wellness Clinic!

As part of our mission to make life better for the people and pets in our community, we are now hosting public Wellness Clinics, which offer an expanded menu of veterinary services. The next Wellness Clinic will take place on:   Friday, March 28, 10am-1pm...

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Puppy Love Anniversary Celebration

Spend your Valentine’s Day supporting Midcoast Humane! We are holding a special 75 Anniversary Celebration in collaboration with Noble Kitchen + Bar in Brunswick! The evening will include a feature menu and specialty cocktails, a 75th Diamond Anniversary ice sculpture...

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Foster Fun Open House!

Are you on the fence about fostering? Or may you’re interested but want to learn more? Come to the Foster Fun Open House to learn how YOU can become a foster hero and make a difference in the lives of homeless animals! Current foster parents and our foster team will...

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Puppy Yoga!

Have you ever dreamed of doing yoga while puppies roam through the room, spreading joy and providing laughter? If so, then our Puppy Yoga sessions are for you! Join us on Tuesday, January 7th from 6:00-7:00pm and Tuesday, February 11th from 6:00 - 7:00pm for a...

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Midcoast Humane on Maine Calling

Midcoast Humane's Executive Director, Jess Townsend, was recently featured on Maine Public's program, Maine Calling to discuss the current state of animal welfare in Maine. The conversation highlighted the dedicated people and impactful programs that support animals...

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Irish Setters

We are thrilled to share that after five months in our care, the Irish Setters have all gone to exceptional homes! Learn more about their story by clicking here.    IRISH SETTERS WHO SUFFERED NEGLECT TO GO UP FOR ADOPTION AT MIDCOAST HUMANE Dogs will be available...

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Volunteer Appreciation

Every April, we celebrate National Volunteer Appreciation Week, and every year, we recognize that we have a lot to be grateful for. Our network of over 150 active volunteers spends countless hours supporting our staff and animals in care across our shelters in...

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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Fear-Free Shelter Logo

Make a Donation

We need your support.
Every year, Midcoast Humane provides nearly 3,500 animals with essential care. Each animal receives, at a minimum, vaccinations and exams, medicine, spay/neuter procedures, healthy food, enrichment and love while they’re with us. Many more need additional life-saving procedures by our veterinary staff. Your support lets us provide these deserving creatures with everything they need to start a new life.